Elements Database
Team elementsLab
Website elementsdb
Contribution 3d SketchUp Modeling
What is Elements Database?
ElementsDB studies building typologies and neighbourhood structures in relation to environmental performance factors: permeability, heat loss, floor area ratio etc. Elements database is a searchable collection of the above buildings and open spaces. Each case is represented as a 3D SketchUp model, floor model… It is also an educational tool. All data produced are stored in an online database available to students, teachers and researchers around the world.
Why use Elements Database?
The database can provide your planning scenarios with buildings that are accurate, visually complex, and have associated metrics such as floor areas, floor space ratios, and permeability ratios. These buildings can quickly give a 2D land use plan more substance and points for discussion.
Where are the buildings from?
Developments are selected from all over the world with an emphasis on Metro Vancouver due to the availability of architectural drawings and on-site visits. Cases are chosen to ensure that all forms and densities are covered.