Bus Stop Urban Design
Introduction | Literature Review | 7 Goals | 9 Techniques | Selection | 9 Designs | Bibliography6.0 Conclusion
6.1 Summary
The bus stop, like many public spaces, can be a complex knot of social, economic and cultural activities in the local community (Avdelidi, 2004). This projected attempted to categorize and improve such spaces through a rigorous process. It identified seven goals for urban design around transit stops and nine techniques through a literature review for achieving those goals. Nine stops were selected for design application after careful analysis of the transit network. Then, the techniques were applied to nine stops in Metro Vancouver. Throughout the process, I found that many stops in addition to the nine selected are in need of improvements; most of them requiring upgrades in the cover, seating, and lighting categories. There are also many stops in rapidly developing urban core areas that can undergo changes similar to those at Oakridge Centre.All the improvements displayed in this project aimed to not only make the wait at a bus stop more comfortable for the rider, but also to make this space a valued asset in the community. Extra seating makes waiting more comfortable and also serves as park signage. Pedestrian scaled lighting makes riders feel safer and also increases the general walkability of the neighbourhood. Bicycle parking increases modal connectivity and also adds to the cycling infrastructure of the area. As a result, this project shows that municipalities and transit organizations can work together to turn transit zones into coveted spaces rather than zones of lower value (Zacharias et al., 2011).
6.2 Recommendations and Further Studies
It is recommended for communities that are looking to invest in bus stop enhancements to work in collaboration with other community improvement initiatives as this project shows that many synergies exist. Changes that improve the waiting area at a bus stop generally also make the block more walkable. By integrating bus stop improvement programs with other planning goals, one can reach a more informed and effective outcome. Further research should look at how to implement a more publicly involved design process. Such input would add valuable insight and sense of ownership to the project. Additional research should focus on the implementation strategies for these designs as they vary between different municipalities and funding mechanisms. Such work would help bring the interventions to fruition. Finally, further research can look at how these principles can be scaled up to larger and less numerous transit stations, such as light rail, subways, and heavy rail.7.0 Bibliography
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BSUD Project Map
2.1 Urban Realm and Transit Ridership
2.2 Urban Realm and Active Transportation
2.3 Physical Activity and Health